Game developed for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1.

How to play:

  1. Roll the dice to start the turn.
    1. The dice have 3 different types of faces:
      1. Numbers, that describes how many letters you will gain in the turn;
      2. Spirit Symbol, which when collecting 3 identical symbols the spirit performs an action;
      3. Shaman Symbol, if this symbols is played the spirit will find out one letter of your name.
    2. You can roll the dice 3 times per turn, but the dice with the spirit symbol are locked.
  2. At the end of the turn, the dice are distributed and the actions performed.
  3. Before finishing a new turn you can perform different actions:
    1. Distribute and change letters on the board.
    2. Read the spirit book to find out which spirit it is, based on the clues on the board.
  4. When you're ready, you can try to guess the spirit's name, but getting it wrong is your end.

Game lore:

As the chosen shaman, your courage and luck are put to the test as you confront the malevolent spirits plaguing the land. With each encounter, you rely on your inner strength and the guidance of your ancestors to navigate the perilous challenges ahead.

Drawing upon ancient rituals and the unpredictable forces of nature, you harness the power of luck to sway the tide of battle in your favor. Whether facing off against spectral foes or delving into the darkest depths of the spirit world, your fate hangs in the balance with every roll of the dice.

But beware, for the spirits are cunning and unpredictable, and victory is never assured. Only through a combination of bravery, skill, and a touch of luck can you hope to overcome the forces of darkness and emerge triumphant as the savior of your people.

Development: @Xayahra_.

Game Design:  @OPabloAbraham.

3D Art: @CharLLacerda.


This game uses these sounds from freesound:

"D&D_DICE__1XD6_METAL_007_Roll.wav", by  Code_E  ( licensed under CC BY 4.0 DEED

Updated 16 days ago
AuthorsMayara, charloso3224
Tags3D, Horror, Turn-based, Word game

Development log


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This game gave me the creeps!! The puzzles are well done and the theme is engaging. Awesome!